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Nonlinear Analysis Is Important in the Design of New & Existing Buildings

When it comes to performance evaluation of structural systems at the life safety and collapse prevention levels, Nonlinear Structural Analysis is becoming popular. But the challenge is to create analytical tools and component models that make it possible to conduct such analysis with a sufficient degree of confidence. An exact replication of reality is desirable but not critical. Because of many sources of uncertainty, such as frequency content and ground motion intensity, and modeling uncertainties, which cannot be eliminated by the most accurate analysis.

There are various options for nonlinear analysis, and the easiest one that gets close to reality is usually the best one. Based on maximum recorded force or deformation values, Observation of behavior during the analysis (whether pushover or time history) is perhaps more critical than a rigorous quantitative evaluation.

The main objective of the nonlinear analysis is to understand behavior instead of fulfilling code-specified limit values.

When buildings are typically designed for seismic resistance by utilizing elastic analysis, most will experience significant inelastic deformations under large earthquakes. And to determine the realistic behavior of structures under such conditions, Modern performance-based design methods are needed.

Nonlinear analyses offer ways for calculating structural response beyond the elastic range, including stiffness, strength deterioration associated with large displacements, and inelastic material behavior, enabled by advancements in computing technologies and available test data.

Hence it won’t be wrong to say that the nonlinear analysis can play an important role in the design of new as well as existing buildings.

Non-linear Structural Engineering Software Programs can be useful for Progressive Collapse Analysis, Seismic and Wind Analysis, and more. If you are looking for such powerful non-linear structural analysis software, have Extreme Loading for Structures Software or ELS. It allows engineers to study the 3D behavior of structures through the continuum and discrete stages of loading.

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